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The 5 Landmarks Patterning Slides are ideal partners to the 5 Landmarks Slides. These slide sets take note recognition a giant step further! They present short five-finger patterns featuring scale and arpeggio passages that include the 5 landmark pitches middle C (treble and bass staves), treble G, bass F, treble C and bass C.


There are three groups of slides focussing on reading on the bass staff, the treble staff, and a mixed group with treble and bass. Each of these groups include five slide sets (12 slides per set). The slide sets are progressive. The first slide set features patterns that begin on a landmark pitch. Subsequent slide sets introduce patterns that end on a landmark pitch, and the most challenging slides (from sets 4 and 5) present landmarks that feature in the middle of a pattern. This progression encourages flexibility in reading and using landmark pitch recognition to orientate students on the treble and bass staves.


The 5 Landmarks Patterning Slides are downloadable as a zip file that includes 180 high quality large-print slides and an introductory lesson in both pdf and PowerPoint formats. You can print the pdfs and use the slides as physical flashcards. The PowerPoint files are "Read Only" and can be used as on-screen slide shows.


5 Landmarks Patterning Slide Sets


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